This plugin provides the tv program for the current day. It shows the tv program for now, 20:15 and 22:00 o'clock.
There are different configuration parameters
- time - Which program do you want to get? could be "now", "20:15" or "22:00"
- short - If set to true, pictures and descriptions aren't shown
- stations - Which stations should be shown. Default ist "all". Possible entries are: all, Das Erste, ZDF, RTL, SAT.1, ProSieben, kabel eins, RTL II, VOX, 3sat, ARTE, ZDFneo, NITRO, DMAX, sixx, SAT.1 Gold, ProSieben MAXX, SUPER RTL, TELE 5, ServusTV Deutschland, COMEDY CENTRAL, ONE
Sample Device Config:
"id": "tv-program",
"name": "TV Programm",
"class": "TvProgramDevice",
"time": "20:15",
"short": false,
"stations": "all"
This plugin is in an early alpha stadium and you use it on your own risk. I'm not responsible for any possible damages that occur on your health, hard- or software.