Pimatic Plugin that supports sending commands to Serial devices.
Add the plugin to the plugin section:
"plugin": "serial"
Then add the device entry for your device into the devices section:
"id": "serial-device",
"class": "SerialDevice",
"name": "Serial Device",
"serialport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"baudRate" : 9600,
"dataBits" : 8,
"parity" : "none",
"stopBits" : 1,
"flowControl" : true
Then you can add the items into the mobile frontend
Plugin Config Options
Option | Description | Default |
debug boolean | Debug mode. Writes debug messages to the pimatic log, if set to true. | false |
Device Config Options
pimatic-serial device config schemas
Serial device config options
Option | Description | Default |
serialPort string | Serialport name (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0) | "/dev/ttyUSB0" |
baudRate integer | Baudrate to use for communicating over serialport (e.g. 9600) | 9600 |
dataBits integer | Number of databits to use for communication over serialport (e.g. 7) | 8 |
parity string | Parity to use for communication over serialport (can be 'none', 'even', 'mark', 'odd', 'space') | "none" |
stopBits integer | Number of stopBits to use for communication over serialport (can be 1 or 2) | 1 |
flowControl boolean | Use flowControl for communication over serialport (can be true or false) | true |
replaceHex boolean | Replace Hexadecimal values in the commands with it's binary value (can be true or false) | false |
Serial Switch config options
Option | Description | Default |
serialPort string | Serialport name (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0) | "/dev/ttyUSB0" |
baudRate integer | Baudrate to use for communicating over serialport (e.g. 9600) | 9600 |
dataBits integer | Number of databits to use for communication over serialport (e.g. 7) | 8 |
parity string | Parity to use for communication over serialport (can be 'none', 'even', 'mark', 'odd', 'space') | "none" |
stopBits integer | Number of stopBits to use for communication over serialport (can be 1 or 2) | 1 |
flowControl boolean | Use flowControl for communication over serialport (can be true or false) | true |
onCommand string | the command to execute to switch the switch on | "" |
offCommand string | the command to execute to switch the switch off | "" |
replaceHex boolean | Replace Hexadecimal values in the commands with it's binary value (can be true or false) | false |
Serial Shutter Controler config options
Option | Description | Default |
serialPort string | Serialport name (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0) | "/dev/ttyUSB0" |
baudRate integer | Baudrate to use for communicating over serialport (e.g. 9600) | 9600 |
dataBits integer | Number of databits to use for communication over serialport (e.g. 7) | 8 |
parity string | Parity to use for communication over serialport (can be 'none', 'even', 'mark', 'odd', 'space') | "none" |
stopBits integer | Number of stopBits to use for communication over serialport (can be 1 or 2) | 1 |
flowControl boolean | Use flowControl for communication over serialport (can be true or false) | true |
upCommand string | the command to execute to move the shutter up | "" |
downCommand string | the command to execute to move the shutter down | "" |
stopCommand string | the command to execute to stop the shutter | "" |
replaceHex boolean | Replace Hexadecimal values in the commands with it's binary value (can be true or false) | false |