Pimatic Plugin that supports sending commands to BenQ Beamers over the serial port.
BenQ beamers and flat pannels with a serial port can support one of three protocols. This plugin supports beamers which are of the P series but probalby also others.
This are the protocol details: 2400 baud 8N1
Power on :
This plugin already handles the Cariage Return, pre and postfix of the commands, so they should not be included when sending a command using a rule.
Commands can be send to the device from Pimatic rules, like:
when <something>
then send command "<command>" to <device>
Known to work: W1110
Not tested but use te same protocol according to the documentation: Others in the P Series
Not supported: RP552 RP552H RP840G RP653 RP703 RP750 RP750K RP652 RP702 RP790S RP705H
Please let me know if your beamer is also supported by this plugin so I can improve the overview of supportd devices.
If you don't have the serial plugin add it to the plugin section:
"plugin": "serial",
active": true
Then add the plugin to the plugin section:
"plugin": "serial-benqbeamer"
Then add the device entry for your device into the devices section:
"id": "benq-beamer",
"class": "SerialBenQBeamerControler",
"name": "BenQ Beamer",
"serialport": "/dev/ttyUSB0"
Then you can add the items into the mobile frontend