This is Pimatic plugin to view IP Camera either Motion JPEG format or Real Time Streaming Protocol format in snapshot form.
You can develop, edit and contribute for this plugin by forking this plugin in github
Add this plugin by go to Pimatic apps Plugin menu
Add the plugin to the plugin section:
"plugin": "ipcamera"
then you have to add your devices into your config.json based on these schema
"id" : [ID of your camera],
"class": IpCameraDevice,
"name": [Name of your camera],
"filename": [Filename],
"cameraUrl": [URL from your camera],
"refresh": [Snapshot refresh],
"usernane": [optional - user name],
"password": [optional - password]
id : should be your unique device id
name : name of your device
class : device class
cameraUrl : url that direct to your http mjpeg server (should include all, include path to file)
filename : location of local filename, will be represent inside of your img folder in pimatic-mobile-frontend/public/img
refresh : time taken in seconds
Version History
1.1.1 : Stable release of MJPEG Camera Snapshot
0.1.2 : First time release plugins
1.1.* : Support for MJPEG camera snapshot (revised)
2.0.* : Support for RTSP camera snapshot
3.0.* : support for motion and predicate handler, includes integration with Pimatic Rules, authentication, SSL Support
If you're upgrading from 0.1.* release, then you have to cleanup directory and reinstall again this plugin.