Pimatic Plugin that monitors availability of iTag BLE devices.
Unfortunately the iTag shuts down some minutes after disconnecting, so it can not be used as a beacon. However once connected the button and buzzer can be used.
I'm working with this device: On the device it says: Serial Number String: 20170414 Hardware Revision String: FD-001-S-N V1.5
In the firmware it says: Manufacturer Name String: 3231S FDQ Model Number String: BT 4.0 Serial Number String: 20170307 Firmware Revision String: V3.9 Hardware Revision String: FD-001-S-N V1.2 Software Revison String: V8.0
There seem to be multiple versions around with different hardware and firmware. Let me know which version you have and if it works.
If you don't have the pimatic-ble plugin add it to the plugin section:
"plugin": "ble"
Then add the plugin to the plugin section:
"plugin": "ble-itag"
Then add the device entry for your device into the devices section:
"id": "itag-keys",
"class": "ITagDevice",
"name": "Keys",
"uuid": "01234567890a",
"interval": 60000
Then you can add the items into the mobile frontend.
You can also use Discover Devices on the Pimatic Devices screen and your iTag will be automaticly discovered.